Weeds Season 7

Weeds Season 6 Finale OnlineWeeds Season 6 Finale Online:The Weeds Season 6 finale was more than just the conclusion to another season of Weeds; it was the culmination of six seasons of moral depravity, where each Botwin had a chance to finally evolve into something much more. Criminals resurfaced. Anti-heroes made amends. Killers found a conscience. And, lost souls found purpose and a family. Season 6 was not without its share of speed bumps along the way to an outstanding emotional finale. Between the escape to Seattle and the introduction of Nancy’s high-school math teacher Warren Schiff, viewers were stuck with mediocre soul-searching filler episodes. However, the final three episodes made us realize that Jenji Kohan, like Michael Jordan, still delivers the game winning three-point shot at the buzzer.

What did the Weeds Season 6 Finale do right?
The finale gave viewers several resolutions, and reminded us that Weeds was more nothing close to a sitcom. Instead of the going for several gag jokes, Kohan deftly mapped out a heartwarming season conclusion.

How did the characters evolve?
“Choose not to be a dick” Silas gives Shane this final piece of big brother sage advice before he chooses to stay with his sperm-daddy Lars. Did these simple words save Shane’s soul? The words were simple, but harsh. Yet, Silas’ piercing stare into Shane’s heart was enough to win back the brother who had been lost to Ignacio and crime life. It was a big moment for both Silas and Shane. Silas had felt detached from his family throughout the season. Shane was still hiding behind a tough-guy exterior. The younger Botwin realized that he’s not a cold-blooded killer, but a boy who desperately needs his mom and is afraid of losing her. We saw this very poignantly play out when Shane tried to leave the plane to run to his mom.

Silas came to terms with the person he had become. This is the guy who branched out from his family to open his own medicinal marijuana store. Sure, he may be more responsible than Nancy, Shane, Andy or Doug, but the core of his character is Botwin straight to the bone. He decided to give up a lesson in sparkplugs with Lars to flee to country with his brother and Andy.

Andy decided to step up into a parental position and lovingly claim Silas as a nephew, despite the lack of blood ties. Andy’s growth transcended mere family bonds. He also made a sacrifice of the heart in giving up Nancy to fly off to Paris and be a father of sorts to Shane and Silas.

Of course, the biggest growth came from Nancy. She finally faced up to the consequences of her actions. Not only did she turn herself over to Esteban, she also turned herself over to the FBI. “I killed Pilar Zuazo please arrest me.” This is one of the few times when Nancy has ever acted strictly for the benefit of her family and not herself. As one of the offers who arrested Warren states, “Theoretical love is not dead; it was made for us all.”

Who knew Nancy’s Plan C would be so shocking? Creator Jenji Kohan really earned her well-timed Alfred Hitchcock walk-on as an airline passenger.

Now as we move into Weeds Season 7, it does look like Kohan has painted herself into a corner again. While the season 6 finale proves Kohan can handle any problem, it will be interesting to see how, and if, Nancy is reunited with her family in Season 7. After confessing to Pilar’s murder, Nancy is going to be under lock and key. Her family, by contrast, will be putting Warren’s pillow wedge full of money to good use, creating new lives in Europe and probably working on a plan to get Nancy back.

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Weeds Season 6 Finale Online

Weeds Season 6 Finale Online
